Handy Books to Help the Students with Autism

t is welcome change in the education sector that much importance is being given to understanding the children with autism. Teachers and doctors have been playing an active role in it and some fine writers are also doing their efforts to make things better for the students with autism.

Thus, as an assignment help online provider, we will take a look at some of the best books that could come handy to you to understand the autistic students.


Look me in the eye: my life with asperger’s by John Elder Robinson

It is a memoir that went on to become the New York Times best seller. It is a fantastically written book that could prove helpful for you to understand how and what the children with autism feel and experience.

It is presented in such way that you will laugh and will also feel moved at many points. As an adult, you may like the part when the author tries to learn to date.

Building sensory friendly classroom by Rebecca Moses

One of the effective way of better teaching is to give the students such an environment that is helpful. The author also tries to convey the same with this book.

Through this book, you can learn to structure your classroom in such way that the student having problem with sensory overload could feel at ease. The author urges that if you use data from student observations and craft the classroom according to it, then they will feel much better in the class.

Apps for autism by Lois Jean Brady

Technology like mobile is not just proving beneficial for the normal people, but autistic people are also enjoying its many benefits in their life. There are more than 200 apps available for the autistic people. All of these are helpful in various things such as visual scheduling, self-soothing and navigating social situations etc.

However, all of the these are not relevant for the students and you have to find the right apps from it to help your students with autism.

1001 great ideas for teaching and raising children with autism or Asperger’s by Ellen Notbohm and Veronica Zysk

It is the book that contains as many as 1800 ideas to help the students who have autism or Asperger’s. This book contains five categories. These categories try to give you an idea of how to help the students with sensory integration, tips to manage challenging behavior, strategies for teaching the students social skills, and ideas for supporting communication and language.

With that, it also contains ideas that could come handy for the students in learning various daily life skills.

Ten things every child with autism wishes you knew by Ellen Notbohm

It is the book that was actually written for the parents with autistic children, but it also gives a good idea to the teachers as well about the psychology of the students.

The author shares his own experience as a teacher and parent of children with autism and ADHD.

If any of your students has some problem in writing an assignment, then you can refer our assignment help to them.